All tagged Indianapolis

Week 50: The [Salsa] Rhythm is Gonna Get You [Score +14]

Dance—in a pretty non-traditional sense—has been a pretty big part of my life from the time I was 10 years old. Clogging, ballroom, salsa, and Lindy Hop have all been in my repertoire at some point, but not in the last several years. I missed it, though. When I discovered a local group teaching Rueda de Casino—a casual, street-style salsa danced in Cuba—I was intrigued. In this style, the dancers switch to a new partner every 10 seconds or so when the caller calls out your next move seven or eight beats ahead of time. 

The first time I fainted was a couple days before my eighth birthday. It wasn’t until I passed out in the front of a classroom in middle school that I went to the doctor and got a diagnosis: vasovagal syncope. With this history in mind, you now understand why this intrepid activity is particularly significant: I tried acupuncture, a process which includes having 45 needles stuck into my skin and left for 24 minutes.

Week 31: Author Inspiration at the Central Library [Score +12]

Libraries are some of my favorite places to be: stacks and stacks and room upon room of books, all sitting quietly, waiting for me to choose one or six to take home with me for three weeks. My usual haunt is my local library, but the Indiana Writers Center’s “Meet an Author, Be an Author” event gave me the perfect excuse to make a long-overdue visit to the Indianapolis Central Library.

Week 29: Grown-Up Field Day [Score +14]

In grade school, Field Day was an event I enjoyed because it felt like an outdoor celebration of the end of the school year. I was competitive enough to try hard and want to win, but I never excelled at any particular athletic skill. So, why would I want to volunteer for a grown-up field day? Redemption.

Week 27: The Love Language of Quality Time [Score +3]

Do you know your “love language?” Of the five options, mine is Quality Time. We could be on a thrilling vacation or just enjoying a PB&J lunch in a park; it’s the act of spending time together, getting to have a good conversation, with the people I love that makes me happiest. Does it then make me selfish if I enjoy giving gifts of things we can experience together?

When did brunch become such an event? I’ve always found late morning to be an awkward time for a meal, especially when I’m being too type-A and overthinking it. Yes, one can overthink brunch. But even when I'm overthinking it, I can still enjoy it, especially when Copilot Mylee comes along on a gor-geous Saturday in Indianapolis.